Camping Without a Permit: A State-by-State Guide

Camping without a permit will get you in trouble in some states. In others, a permit isn’t required. But how do you know? Our state-by-state guide to which states require permits, what kinds of permits you might need and how to get them follows below! States...

How to Fill an Osprey Water Bladder

Filling an Osprey water bladder is easy. Osprey is known for making durable, easy-to-use packs that hold enough water to keep you hydrated all day. But you will have to refill them! Make sure you follow the right steps and check for leaks before you put the bladder...

How to Clean an Osprey Water Bladder

It’s a good idea to know how to clean an Osprey water bladder. They work great and you’ll want to keep yours sanitary and in good shape. If your Osprey reservoir is dirty or giving you trouble, don’t just buy a new one! Osprey water bladders are made...

Can Coleman Propane Tanks Be Refilled?

If you use Colmane propane tanks when camping, you may wonder if they are refillable when empty. The small, 1-lb. canisters seem to be use-and-toss, but is there a way to avoid the waste and refill them? Coleman 1-pound propane tanks are not refillable. While it is...